Graphic design – Brand, Logo, Web design and prices

Graphic design is a web service, that requires creativity and experience by the graphic designer (the author). The results and the impact of the graphic design work are measurable, but the work is highly subjective to personal feelings and .

Graphic design prices

Graphic design prices are paid for creative work, that sometimes is hard or impossible to measure – as a quality, as working hours and as ROI. Not every design task is an art, but these that are would need some time to think, to be creative and illustrate a new idea. Every idea is different. Let’s get an example:

Give a logo design task to 10 different graphics designers and you’ll receive 10 different ideas. Every person has some preferences and from these 10 ideas, most people (but not all) would like one particular variant (the winner, chosen by the majority), but there will be people, that also like another variants (minority).

When you should order a design service, your satisfaction depends on the final result, which is very subjective and on the price. The problem is you order the service and perhaps you (alone or together with your team) decide whether the task has been done well and is completed, or there is need for some further modifications. The people that would be the real “clients” of this result are other people – the visitors in your website, the visitors that see your banner ad, etc. You should try to think from the side of your visitors – what they want (you want to sell them something, and perhaps they would like to buy the same thing, but sometimes they just buy something they don’t need, because of the design), if they don’t want it – how to make it attractive enough, so they buy it, because it’s a good deal, etc.

Cheap graphic design prices – try a freelancer graphic designer

If you are looking for cheap graphic and web design services, you should consider hiring a freelance graphic designer. Please note that you would be the manager (the person who manage the whole design process) and you are the only responsible for the final satisfaction. If the result needs more modifications, you describe your point to the designer, which would draw or modify it.

In other words, there are many ways to achieve similar results, but they are different, the risk is different and it’s a process – it should be managed to the end.

Branding (visual identity) – brand, logo, colours, shapes

Branding (visual identity)…

Marketing and Advertising – banners, collages, photos and collages graphics, promotions presentation

  • Postcards and flyers
  • Magazine and newspaper ads
  • Posters, banners and billboards
  • Infographics
  • Brochures (print and digital)
  • Vehicle wraps
  • Signage and trade show displays
  • Email marketing templates
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Menus
  • Social media ads, banners and graphics
  • Banner and retargeting ads
  • Images for websites and blogs

Web design – User interface for web apps, websites and blogs

User interface for web apps, websites and blogs



Product and Packaging graphic design


Motion graphic design, incl. advertising

Title sequences and end credits
Animated logos
Promotional videos
Tutorial videos
Video games